Xenforo [TB] Yazi Boyutu – Yazi Hizalama/Font size Text alignment is a XF2 Plugin being distributed by Enxf.
[TB] Font size Nulled Post alignment plugin changes the text size and aligns the text in in-topic messages. With one click, the font size of all messages changes. The selected font size and alignment is saved in the browser’s local storage, and the settings you choose are automatically applied to the page when the page is refreshed or changed.
You can download Xenforo [TB] Yazi Boyutu – Yazi Hizalama/Font size Text alignment from CMSCodeShop.pro for just for $5.90 . You’ll receive the exact .zip file you would download from the original Themeforest author. You can save up to 99% of the original price while ensuring that the file is 100% free of any viruses or malware.