Gauzy Uniq Email Template for Bussiness is a HTML Template being distributed by Creativemarket.
Gauzy 20 Uniq Email Template for Bussiness
gauzy is an email template created especially for businesses. This template is made using the Zurb Foundation Framework which is easy to learn, you will also get a design file and any code you want so that it will be easier for you to customize it.
- 20 Uniq Tempalte Email
- Built with Foundation Email
- Fully Responsive Template
- Neatly & Organized Layer Design
- Include Figma File for Design Resources
- Compatibility gmail, outlook, apple email and etc.
- FIgma
- Html
- Foundation Email Framework
You can download Gauzy Uniq Email Template for Bussiness from for just for $5.90 . You’ll receive the exact .zip file you would download from the original Themeforest author. You can save up to 99% of the original price while ensuring that the file is 100% free of any viruses or malware.